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James Chemerika

He was charged with common assault against an officer during a protest held on 20 February 1981 against bathhouse raids. His trial revealed dirty tricks employed by plainclothes police officers as well as evidence of brutality that occurred during and after the demonstration in question. Chemerika was acquitted of his charges on 30 September 1981 by Judge Jude Bernhard (#JUBE), and his trial opened the way for an investigation into police conduct.

Names James Chemerika (Main) BE [n81.194]
Related Pages James Chemerika on LGLC
Charges Toronto
Common assault
Assault against a police officer
1981/02/20 - 1981/09/30

ABCEFG [n81.194], [n81.283], [n81.336]

Associated People

June Bernhard
5/22/1981 - 9/30/1981