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John Turner

John Turner was Prime Minister for 11 weeks in the 1980s. As Justice Minister in 1969 he stated that Bill C-150 did not condone or endorse homosexuality but instead lifted the stigma of the law for private, consensual sex acts. He also stated that psychiatric intervention rather than legal intervention was best for homosexuality. During an election campaign in 1974 Turner stated that including sexual orientation in the Canadian Bill of Rights would not lessen discrimination against gays.

Names John Turner (Main) BE [n69.7] John Napier Turner (altName)

BE []

Related Pages John Turner on LGLC
John Turner on VIAF
Birth Date 1929/06/07
Birth Place 502 Bad Gateway
Identities English

BG [“Profile: The Right Hon. John Napier Turner, P.C., C.C., Q.C.,” Parliament of Canada, n.d.,]


BG [“Profile: The Right Hon. John Napier Turner, P.C., C.C., Q.C.,” Parliament of Canada, n.d.,]

Occupations Minister of Justice Government
1969/04/16 - 1969/05/14

Liberal Party Leader, Federal Politician

“Opposition leader wants gay-positive reading of charter,” Body Politic, no.122 (1986), p. 19

Orders of Merit Companion of the Order of Canada (1994-10-19)
Associated Organizations Organization: 502 Bad Gateway (Member)

BC [n74.118]

Organization: 502 Bad Gateway (Member)

BCE [n69.7]