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Michael Phair

He was a chairperson of the Privacy Defence Committee of Edmonton, and involved in the defence of the men charged as found-ins in the 30 May 1981 police raid on the Pisces Health Spa (#PSPA). He was found guilty of being a found-in there himself on 4 November 1981, and fined $250 on 16 November. He became an involved gay activist after this. He served on Edmonton’s city council as the first openly gay man elected to public office in Alberta.

Names Michael Phair (Main) BE [n81.382]
Related Pages Michael Phair on LGLC
Occupations City Councillor, Edmonton Politician
1992 - 2007

Associated Organizations Organization: Privacy Defence Committee of […] (Chairperson)

BCE [n81.201]

Associated Periodicals (Writer)

BCE [n81.201]